Friday, September 24, 2010

Nearing the End [Week 4] - NSM

I've been on a fabric fast/diet since September 11th (ending the last week of October). I can't believe it has been almost 2 weeks since I've bought fabric. My favorite past time was searching the internet until this point for some of my more elusive ISOs or great sales. In order to keep myself on track, I've stayed away from the computer and spent more time creating (and spending time with my family--oh yeah, them ;D).

My newest addition to my NaSewMo project is my tea/coffee wallet. After I learned the basic principles behind wallet construction, it was easy. And I managed to stay true to my desire to make only functional items. When I had my daughter, I switch to decaf because I was nursing. I still only drink decaf. Most people I find, only have decaf in their homes if they A) drink it (naturally) or B) entertain frequently. So I end up having herbal tea when I'd like coffee instead (like after dinner). Now I'll have one cup of coffee (sure it's instant) on hand! And some tea, too, in case my host isn't a tea drinker--or I don't like the kind they have (like Earl Grey).
I lost about 1/8th"all around, and have a wabbly bottom seam, but otherwise it turned out great! the tea bags have room to either stand up or lie down. I prefer them lying down because it's snugger (more snug?). The finished size is ~4.25 inches tall x ~7 inches wide (open) or ~3.5 inches wide (closed).

When I was making the wallet, I couldn't decide on my fabrics. I went through several before I settled on these. After I started cutting it, I decided I HATED it. I thought for sure that this was a prototype and not my *real* coffee/tea wallet. That was until I finished and turned it right side out. Then I could appreciate it as a single piece and not as it's various elements (the dot fabric is also the exterior fabric). I really do like it. It's already at home in my purse next to my new wallet :)

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